Creativity allows viewing and solving of problems in a more open and innovative approach. Creative personalities nurture ideas by encouraging collective thinking. The question is how can you become more creative? In this post, I share important tips on improving your creativity.
1.     Exercise Collaboration
Collaboration helps us to grow curiosity, hence leading into creativity. Remember that collaborating with a diverse group of stakeholders leads to innovation. Through cross-functional meetings, your decision-making capabilities improve. Therefore, hold VOIP meetings with different teams across the globe. Remember that differing opinions can drive you into applying greater creativity.
2.     Engage in what you Love doing
The best approach for encouraging creativity is making sure you engage in what one loves doing. Therefore, as you keep doing what you are passionate about, you remain eager to learn more about the field. In the end, you creatively come up with ideas on how to do different things that relate to your passion.
3.     Surround Yourself with Inspiration
Doing what you love is already a great way to stay inspired. Do not forget that surroundings play an important role in staying inspired. Therefore, focus on creating a stimulating environment to facilitate creativity and surround yourself with the things you find to be motivating.
4.     Create Restrictions
When you are trying to solve a problem creatively, introduce restrictions to keep you going. This often results in staying focused on the current challenges and coming up with creative solutions to the current problems. Place some restrictions on your thinking to develop solutions that are more creative.
Creativity unblocks old patterns or habits of thinking, helping the individual to embrace non-linear thinking. Remember that creativity is participatory and interactive, and supports motivation. Therefore, apply the above tips to stay creative.